We Are Not iOS Updates

There’s been a recurring theme popping up in my life lately…Less is More.

I tend to be an over-thinker, an over-doer and an over-planner. The idea of doing less makes me a little nervous, like I’m going to miss something or lose out on an opportunity. In some cases, it may even cause FOMO (fear of missing out).

But I know the state of flow happens when I slow down and try not to do so much. When I simplify, I’m able create space to let thoughts and ideas come in, to let the universe steer me in the right direction by following my intuition rather than forcing myself to do or add things for the sake of accomplishment.


It’s certainly something I must remind myself of often and I’m grateful to Lenka and Kelley from our instructor team for our recent conversations that reminded me how amazing slowing down and minimizing areas of my life can feel.

For example, I had an idea for the 2023 FCBDU schedule. For over a week I kept stressing out as I tried to fit everything into place. The puzzle pieces just weren’t working, and I kept adding things to make it work, but it just kept steering away from the experience I wanted the students to have.

I forced myself to take some time away. To stop adding things.

Within a couple of days, I realized I had been approaching it all wrong. I was trying too hard. Instead, I started completely over with a new approach…. and viola! 2023’s schedule is fantastic and gets the intention and theme across better than I had originally imagined.

Has this happened to you?
You step back…slow down and realize the outcome was even better because of it?

We live in a world that has convinced us that more is better, newer is better and the illusion that we constantly need to “upgrade” to feel like we are progressing.

Society has trained us to think that we aren't good enough unless we keep upgrading our versions.

We are NOT iOS updates.

Do you notice this mindset creeping into your dancing?

I’m guilty of it too. Thinking that dancing to really fast music, advanced variations of a steps, new costuming, and performng the "next best thing" is the only way to progress.

But, what if instead, we slowed down and left room for intuition, creativity and flow?

What if instead of doing more, we took the time to enjoy what we were doing?

Try it this week! I think you'll notice that if we slow down a little and take a less is more approach, our movements become easier, bigger, more defined with better isolation. We're easier to follow and transition are more smooth. The energy becomes more controlled, confident and uplifting rather than frazzled and disconnected.

Now, don’t get me wrong. There is certainly a time and place where more and adding makes sense. These elements are fun and exciting, they have value and create a different experience to a set.

I just want to offer the idea that sometimes taking time to enjoy where you are can feel more like progress than constantly feeling the need to "upgrade" or add something new.

If we are so busy focusing on what’s next, how will we ever truly enjoy and get good at where we are now?




Elements of a Solo